Our network

Popular questions
Can I tether my phone to other devices?
Yes, this means your unlimited data will apply when tethering on your device. For most devices and operating systems, tethering will automatically activate with your defaulted settings when Clear Mobile SIM is connected to the network.
Apple set up - iPhone customers may have to check their Mobile Data settings. Follow these steps:
- Step 1: Ensure Clear Mobile SIM is inserted in your device
- Step 2: The software version must be updated to iOS 15.4
- Step 3: Select Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Network
- Step 4: Review the necessary fields and ensure they match the required settings provided below
MOBILE DATA section |
isp.clearmobile.ie |
MMS section |
isp.clearmobile.ie |
MMS Proxy | (default setting should already be visible) |
MMS Max Message Size |
307200 (default setting should already be visible) |
isp.clearmobile.ie |
Mobile data speed
Mobile data speeds
Your mobile data speeds refers to how fast your mobile connection is. We measure it in Mbps (megabits per second) and the higher the Mbps the higher the speed of data connection on your device. In practice this impacts how quickly you can send and receive information, like loading Instagram posts, listening to music, streaming videos, downloading or uploading files or making video calls. There are a number of generations of mobile network available including 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G and the mobile data speeds increase with each generation of mobile network. The maximum speed is also set on your price plan.
Estimated maximum speed
To ensure transparency, and in accordance with regulations, we provide you with an estimated maximum upload and download speed for your mobile service. The table below sets out the estimated maximum speed for your mobile Internet Access Service that we agree as part of your contract for Clear services. We may publish updates to this table from time to time as required however, your contracted estimated maximum speed is that which applied at the time of your contract for services starts. The estimated maximum speeds are those which you would realistically be able to achieve in different locations however the exact speeds experienced across the network will vary and may be higher.
Network type |
Estimated Maximum Download |
Estimated Maximum Upload |
4G |
10Mbps |
3Mbps |
5G |
25Mbps |
5Mbps |
Factors impacting your speed
It is important to highlight factors which impact your speed, some of which we can control and others which are outside of our control. The factors which may impact your experience, and the speeds you actually receive, include, but are not limited to: the type of device you are using, your selected price plan, your location, the topography (mountains, valleys trees etc) the level of use on the network, whether you are indoors (and may be impacted by the effect of building materials on indoor coverage), and the capacity of the equipment hosting the third party Internet content that you are accessing.
Contacting us regarding speeds
If you experience any continuous issue (such as an issue that occurs continuously over a 1-2 week period), or regularly recurring difference with the speed communicated for your mobile service then please contact us as per the Code of Practice and we will attempt to diagnose and resolve your issue. We will endeavour to resolve any issues on your mobile services as soon as possible within 10 working days. In exceptional circumstances longer resolution times may need to apply and in any case we will look to resolve within 28 days. Any complaints will be managed in accordance with our Code of Practice which is available on clearmobile.ie
If, having gone through our assurance process, it is not possible to remedy a situation where you are not continuously or regularly achieving the speeds that we have communicated and, where the relevant facts are established by a monitoring mechanism certified by ComReg, this may constitute non conformity of performance for the purposes of triggering the right to seek potential remedies available to you under Irish law. You may choose to exercise your rights under consumer protection legislation such as the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 which provides remedies for refund or repair etc., or to exercise your rights under common law for remedies such as restitution or rescission of contract. These remedies may include, but are not limited to, rectification of the issue, the selection of an alternative service, the offer of a discount or you may choose to terminate your service without penalty. In any event, our liability to you will not exceed the limit set out in our General Terms and Conditions for Clear Mobile Service.
January 2024
4G & Wi-Fi Calling
What is Wi-Fi Calling?
Wi-Fi Calling lets you make and receive calls over Wi-Fi when there's poor mobile phone signal.
There's no extra charge for using Wi-Fi Calling. All calls you make with it use minutes from your allowance as usual.
How do I activate and deactivate Wi-Fi Calling?
Customers must be using a phone that supports Wi-Fi Calling. Please refer to the manufacturer’s device guide to see if your phone is supported. Your phone must be connected to Wi-Fi and you must switch Wi-Fi Calling to the 'on' position in your phone settings.
Once connected, your phone will automatically connect to a Wi-Fi network and allow Wi-Fi Calling in conditions when your mobile signal may be not be strong enough.
If you have a compatible iPhone:
- - Click on Settings then Phone
- - Select Wi-Fi Calling in the Calls section
- - Toggle Wi-Fi Calling to the On position then click Enable to confirm
If you have a compatible Android:
- - From your Home screen select Phone
- - Tap the menu in the top-right then select Settings
- - Toggle Wi-Fi Calling to the On position then click OK to confirm
You can deactivate Wi-Fi Calling by switching Wi-Fi Calling to the 'off' position in your phone settings.
How much does it cost to use Wi-Fi Calling?
You will be charged the same rate as making a call over the cellular network. So, for example if your tariff plan includes a bundle of voice minutes, your bundle will be depleted when you make a call over Wi-Fi in the same way as if your call was made over the mobile network.
What is 4G Calling?
4G Calling, also known as VoLTE, lets you make seamless, high-quality calls on your phone, wherever you have a 4G network.
It does not affect your other data streaming so you can carry on multi-tasking; watch videos, use apps, or do anything that uses data – all while enjoying better phone calls.
How do I activate 4G Calling?
To benefit from 4G Calling you will need to have a compatible handset. Please refer to the manufacturer’s device guide to see if your phone is supported.
If you have a compatible iPhone:
- - Click on 'Settings'
- - Then, click 'Mobile Data', 'Mobile Data Options' then 'Voice & Data'
- - Ensure the 'Voice & Data' setting is set to '5G/4G', then 'VoLTE On'
If you are using Vodafone eSim on iPhone:
- - Click on 'Settings'
- - Then click 'Mobile Data', Select Data Plan (your phone number) then 'Voice & Data'
- - Ensure the 'Voice & Data' setting is set to '5G/4G, then VoLTE On'
If you have a compatible Android:
- - Click on 'Settings', select Connections
- - Select 'Mobile Networks'*
- - Tap Network mode/type & select 5G/4G/LTE auto
*Note on some models you may need to separately select VoLTE/4G Calling/Data Calling ON.
What is 5G?
5G is the newest, fastest generation of mobile networking.
Where is 5G available?
5G is currently live in selected areas across all 26 counties in Ireland. 5G roaming is also available in 80+ countries.
How can I get 5G?
To use 5G you'll need a 5G phone and be in an area covered by our 5G network.
Your Clear plan is already 5G enabled.